If You Love Digging Up Bargains – You Could be Wholesaling Real Estate

Are you an avid garage or yard sale shopper? Does it make your day to find an item that's priced below its true value and then argue down the price a little more? Have you resold some of your booty at a profit, either online or in person? If so, you could be ready to

3 Steps to Make Money Wholesaling Real Estate

Flipping houses is all the rage, fed by several popular television shows with high profile flipping personalities. It looks like fun, and it can be. You can use the fix-and-flip strategy, but this article is about wholesale flipping. The wholesaler has no intention of doing anything to the home. They buy and resell the homes

2023-08-07T18:56:45-04:00March 12th, 2020|Sellers, Selling Tips, Wholesaling|

2 Ways to Fund a Wholesale Real Estate Deal With Minimal Cash

Wholesaling in real estate investing, also called contract flipping, is purchasing a home and reselling it to a buyer in a short period of time and without any repairs or rehab work.  Before getting into the funding, what are the other necessary components of the deal? The Buyer Most wholesale deals are sold to rental

Three Ways To Promote a Healthy Rental Culture For Commercial Tenants

What is a man or woman's word? Is it worth anything anymore? When you are working in commercial Real Estate, you can guarantee that your name and whether you keep to your word will get around really fast. Sometimes people will say untrue of unfair things, but that will quickly be overcome by all of

3 Signs It Is a Good Time To Sell Your Commercial Property

It can be a difficult decision to sell your commercial property, particularly if it is business that you've put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into. The truth is, however, that circumstances change in our lives, and sometimes it is a good idea to sell in order to turn a profit, retire, or move

5 Commercial Building Energy Savings Tips

Owning a commercial building means that it typically comes with more energy usage than a regular residential dwelling. This is expected, but if you are concerned about the carbon footprint or the bill (or both!) that more energy consumption brings, there are ways to combat the overall energy use. Over time, it is a good

Three Reasons You Need A Commercial Property Inspection

Whether you are thinking of buying or selling commercial real estate, you need to be armed with the right kinds of information - what you need to go forward, who can answer any questions you have, where you can get immediate answers. The very last thing you need, at any part in the process, is

Three Easy Ways To Advertise Your Business

Whether you are attempting to gain more customers or sell your business, the key to success is attracting the right people who may have an interest in what you have to offer. This can be somewhat intimidating, especially to a new business owner. The truth is, no matter what line of business you are in,

Three Unique Ways To Win Your Clients Over

Part of business is making business connections and relationships, but that is easier said than done. When you are building relationships, it's necessary to remember your clients have many others that are trying to woo them as well. Of course, there is golf, and there is nothing in the world wrong with golf - but

Three Ways To Naturally Freshen Your Building

There's a lot of reasons that your building can develop a funky odor, and it always needs to be investigated. Sometimes it can be due to serious problems - mildew and mold, which can be hazardous to your health, or perhaps some type of rodent infestation, which can be even worse. Maybe you have some

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